Flange flaps

High temperature flap

High temperature-

> Diameter (DN) <

300 – 3000

> Installation type <

Flange design

> Operating temperatures <

up to +1250°C

The high-temperature flap can be lined with either cement or ceramic fibers. The lining serves as heat insulation.

Furthermore, a disc cooling system can be used to reduce the temperature of the medium.

High temperature flap
Diameter (DN) 300 – 3000
Installation typeFlange design
Connection dimensionsAll common flange standards and special dimensions
Operating temperaturesup to +1250°C
Actuation types
  • With free shaft end
  • Manual gearbox
  • Mounting kit according to DIN ISO 5211 with corresponding shaft adaption
  • Attached drive (pneumatic, electric, hydraulic)
Closure types and tightnesses
Resounding1% from Kv 90
with stop bar in housing0.5% from Kv 90°.
with stop bar and sealing insert0.05% of Kv 90°
Column 1 Value 10Column 2 Value 10
JASTA Armaturen

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